
Getting Started

So it’s happening – I’m starting a blog. D (my hubs) has been nudging me to start a gardening blog for quite some time now. It’s turning out to be a much more daunting venture than I thought it would be but after doing some research I’m jumping in! My goal is to share my knowledge of plants that I have acquired over the years – some learned from mentors – some self taught – and a good chunk from personal trial and error!

I guess you could say growing things is in my genes. I grew up on a farm and my dad raised crops as part of his livelihood. My mom was (and still is) an avid gardener – perennials, annuals, and veggies. I always looked forward to trips to the greenhouses with her.

It wasn’t until D and I had our own house that I took a strong personal interest in gardening. D’s mom introduced me to what it was like to own a hobby greenhouse. Our first year in our house she shared some of her plants with me.

This was my first attempt. There was no landscaping when we moved in – I had a clean slate –  and so I jumped in! Gotta start somewhere!

I’ve learned a LOT since then. I learned from that first year our soil was basically pure clay – not a nice medium to work with. I learned about sun exposure around our house – what side is shady all day and what side gets full-on sun. I started to learn that different plants have different needs.

The main thing I learned, however, is that I was addicted and wanted to learn more! After that first growing season, I couldn’t wait for the next year – to expand, experiment, and try to make good on the mistakes I made the season before.

I’ve come a long way in the last ten years. I am always extending my perennial gardens. I start the majority of my annuals from seed. I have a hobby greenhouse. I put on a plant sale annually. I have an extensive succulent and houseplant collection. I’m obsessed with the high-maintenance dahlia. There are always new challenges and knowledge to gain when it comes to plants, and to me it’s all worth the reward of growing something beautiful!

So no matter where you may be at in your plant journey, I think there will be something here for everyone. Remember – we all have to start somewhere! Stay tuned!

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  1. L
    Laura Novak says:

    Great blog so far! Congrats! Looking forward to reading and learning from you and seeing all the beautiful plants/flowers you grow each year!!

    1. Kari
      Kari says:

      Thanks Laura!

  2. S
    Sandi Colaas says:

    You’ve also inherited your mom’s writing skills! Looking forward to your posts.

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