
The Plant Room // 3.9.20

Hey plant peeps! I was working in my plant room today (our un-used upstairs living room) and thought I’d share some photos of what’s going on. Daylight Saving Time was this past weekend, which I have a love-hate for – takes some adjusting but the longer light in the evenings is the best! BRING ON SPRING!

The succulents under lights are doing about as well as they usually do inside. Fighting some mealy bugs here and there – some plants seem to be magnets for them which is frustrating. A couple more months and they’ll be able to make the migration back outside for the summer months.

Cuttings and more cuttings! I love cutting season! I took another round of coleus cuttings today, along with some tradescantia varieties I have. Instead of a ‘green thumb’ I have a ‘purple thumb’ from pinching off leaves.

My stock plants are starting to look pretty bare from taking all the cuttings! I may or may not take more from these in a couple weeks…

These are the cuttings I took today – coleus, tradescantia, and I separated out some Mexican Hat kalanchoes in preparation for the plant sale in May.

Here are the cuttings I took about a month ago – mix of coleus, plectranthus, aptenia, sedum, and oxalis. They’re all rooted and have started putting out some new growth.

Seedlings are coming along well! I’m a touch behind from where I’d like to be, but had to do a bit of adjusting since I’m going to be out of town for a week. One of my awesome neighbors and my mother in-law are going to water the cuttings and seedlings while I’m gone – bless their hearts! Tomatoes and the remainder of the flowers and herbs will be started when I get back.

Even though the foliage on the babies aren’t much to look at, I’m always amazed at the roots!

I bought one of these bottles this winter and it has been super handy for watering seedlings! I used to use a spray bottle but this gets the job done faster and just as well – faster water output without drowning the babies like a watering can does.

Finally I thought I’d share a fun new plant I started! They are mimosa pudica seedlings, also known as ‘sensitive plants’! I didn’t have a great germination rate, but I’m hoping I can get a few to thrive!

Until next time, Happy Spring!!!

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