
Back at it!

Happy 2020 everybody! Its the classic “New Year Resolution” season, and here I am making a resolution. I’m getting back to the blog. Yes. Finally!

When I started this blog, I had some pretty big aspirations for it. I think I had expectations of making it “successful”, and thought if I didn’t meet those expectations I was a failure, or something. But you know what? I was the only person that had expectations! I wanted this to be a fun project, a way to share my love of plants with others who took interest, and I lost sight of that and felt overwhelmed by it. That, in combination with not being physically able to work with my plants last summer and fall the way I wanted to due to my back issues, I fell away from sharing my passion with others.

Anyways, I guess this is me saying I’m going to try to get back to sharing my passion with you! A girl and her plants – that’s all it needs to be! I’ve got some orchid beauties in bloom right now, so I’m going to work on a post about how I care for them. Stay tuned! -K

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